Electronic Learning Portfolio

Time Open project

Time Open project

For my open project, I did an extension project of the video that I created about trip to Hong Kong.…

Video essay

https://vimeo.com/333489542 Short synopsis This video essay is about my trip to go to Pennsylvania. I lived with my aunt and…

I AM project

Reflection The most challenging part of this project was sewing the bottom because I had to hand sew the bottom.…


The genre of my tv show is travel. Synopsis of this tv show is two friends are traveling together and…

Found Object

I have researched on the micro aggression that most of women get which is diet and skin tone. I used…
Remix Project

Remix Project

https://vimeo.com/user95904364/review/321819273/de8fa0a26b Instrument: shaker 2. https://vimeo.com/user95904364/review/321819273/de8fa0a26b 4. After I read the "Understanding the Comics", I thought I am going to focus on…
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