Posts by: quina860

Barnes and Noble

Barnes and Noble

What is Barnes and Noble? my notes while discovering: My photos while discovering: FINAL DELIVERABLES  -- READ CAREFULLY Each person…
Behavior Diptychs

Behavior Diptychs

first thoughts: using mediums as the messege. Therefor using ciggarettes to speak about cigarettes. using coffee to talk about caffeine.…
Release Through Art

Release Through Art

My original thoughts for this project were to take an image or painting that symbolized identity, and transform it to…

noise and silence

my view, focused on the noise outside the window my mother calling me when my phone was on sound or…
Visual Culture bridge 1

Visual Culture bridge 1

Formal Elements & Principles: Identity Image One American Gothic by Grant Wood. Located at the Art Institute of Chigago. I…
Lonely indeed

Lonely indeed

FIRST IDEAS: having a fancy setting with bland food that does not fill your stomach. large plates with small portion…
This is not an experience

This is not an experience

Society labels reproduced, altered, and redesigned photos and prints “Art”. Society is also capable of changing the form of famous…


Terrorism is a large society scare in every country. The start of anger in most terrorist’s lives begins at their…
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