Int. Studio 2: Strategies: Final Project Proposal Post


Currently, I have a vague idea of what I want to do but I still need to conduct further research to streamline my focus and make sure I have a cohesive project. I feel like I know my direction for my seminar paper and I’m really struggling with My interest really lies in the iconic arch of Washington Square Park. I would love to explore more about its history, architecture, art and the socioeconomic relation it serves to people. I also would love to explore the significance and symbolism people personally hold with the arch. Maybe they hold particular personal memories there. I would to do this as primary research and ask people what personal significance they associate with the arch.

For Seminar, I want to write an exploratory essay analyzing the arch as the object that creates social interaction.

For Studio, I want to do an aperture. I am thinking of photographing people I interview in Washington Square Park and collaging in into the shape of the arch. Then, with velcro, I want to put a quote or a short account of what the arch means to them. I think that WSP holds its significance because of the people. The energy and vibrancy the park has is made up of the people, much like a collage. Interviewing people is also like primary research which will help me in my seminar paper.


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