Residual Sparks: Shattered Sea

Shattered Sea is an illumination developed through a fragmented memory of  nearly drowning. The intense ambience is achieved through inconsistent shadows that are created by the diffuser.

This product demonstrates the harshness of the memorable event through its materials while the indirect light exposes the peacefulness that follows.

It also illustrates the concept of how perception of an object alters through time; as at first sight the shards of glass look uninviting however once the light is switched on the shards create appealing shadows.

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I am a Bahraini product designer based in New York City. I am currently pursuing a degree in product design at Parsons the New School of Design. With a focus on furniture and housewares, I am very hands on in my design process; often designing through the manufacturing process. I continue to challenge myself by taking on projects as an opportunity to explore materiality and processes. Rather than hiding imperfections in a piece, I bring them to the forefront of the concept to highlight the manufacturing process.

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