F2 – Production Technique

During the past week I looked into laminating wood and took the time to experiment with wood burning. As of now, I’m interested in designing and making a product intended for a small production run.


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I experimented with using the laser cutter as a tool to burn the edges of the piece, and lightened sections using sandpaper.

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Some samples I picked up from the Materials Library

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Exploring Form



F2 Presentation

Process Videos:

I am a Bahraini product designer based in New York City. I am currently pursuing a degree in product design at Parsons the New School of Design. With a focus on furniture and housewares, I am very hands on in my design process; often designing through the manufacturing process. I continue to challenge myself by taking on projects as an opportunity to explore materiality and processes. Rather than hiding imperfections in a piece, I bring them to the forefront of the concept to highlight the manufacturing process.

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