A2 – Slip Casting Initial Exploration

Initial Concept Statement: Slipcasting is a departure from my rigid woodworking background; through my exploration of the process I discovered how adaptable the designs that are created through this process could be. I’m going to explore the idea of highlighting faults in the cast as the main design feature of an item. Lighting products , vases, and shakers are currently being considered, however, I’d like to look into incorporating this process into furniture;  though the fragility of the material is a cause for concern.

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I am a Bahraini product designer based in New York City. I am currently pursuing a degree in product design at Parsons the New School of Design. With a focus on furniture and housewares, I am very hands on in my design process; often designing through the manufacturing process. I continue to challenge myself by taking on projects as an opportunity to explore materiality and processes. Rather than hiding imperfections in a piece, I bring them to the forefront of the concept to highlight the manufacturing process.

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