Pre-Bridge Assignment: What Are Your Thoughts on Walking?

The practice of walking is something we all do as a from of easy transportation and carries us from one place to another. I do believe walking is innate and a mechanism we as human beings use to be as productive and useful as possible. When we think about it, babies crawl without observing anyone else crawling. Unless they have a parent crawling all over the house, this is innate behavior. It is intuitive and the first step for them to get moving and active. Secondly, they start climbing on things and even without having observed anyone else do so just as a defense mechanism and a way to experiment with their space. Lastly, after walking, babies see that they can go faster or slower and experiment with the speed in which they travel, this is also innate and something they do even if they haven’t actively observed anyone else do so. As human beings, I think it is innate for us to experiment with out surroundings and use the space to the best pf its ability. We find a way to navigate the space and take our bodies into every crevice we can make it fit. It is innate human behavior to wander into the unknown and want to know every inch of space we inhabit.

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