ASSIGNMENT #8- 3TED Talks- reflection

What was the purpose of watching these TED talks?

  • While unique to itself, each talk demonstrates successes when it comes to combining technology and design. As we progress into a more digital age, it will become inevitable that technological advancement will go hand in hand to innovated designs. By looking at these videos we are able to gain a better understanding of what the world has become today and what it will become in the near future.

What did you learn from each talk?

  • Technologically based designs are not only a way to produce better and innovative utility products, but a way of artistic expression. These two paths do not need to be separate and in many ways should be combined together to form something truly inspirational

What is your take on each of the talks?

  • While the first video was very interesting, I feel as though the speaker could have delved deeper into the reason why she does what she does. I would have liked to see a more practical use of her designs rather than just pictures of her and her friends in a studio.
  • The second video was very eye-opening to watch. It funny because I had just talked about Neil in my Studio class. With his talk, it showed me how far along mankind has gone. Within the next decade, we will definitely see more and more people integrate technology into their daily lives as an extension of their bodies.
  • The last talk was very artistic. It shed new light on the idea that disabilities are not necessarily a bad thing. I have much respect for Modesta as she uses her disadvantages to her advantage, making her unique and a good role model for those who are in her situation. She chose not to blend into the rest of society and instead to embrace what she has (or doesn’t have).

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