Create an interactive work that explores the creative use of code and/or electronics. The project can be creating using Processing, Ardiuino, and/or p5.js (we will discuss this next class). Consider interactivity using cameras/kinect, sound, keyboard/mouse, sensors, buttons/switches or web. The project should challenge yourself both technically and artistically. You may want to consider the following topics:
1. Game (or art “game”)
A traditional game with a critical or humorous narrative or an artistic/conceptual or abstract “game.”
2. Interactive Object / Sculpture
An object that has sensors or buttons that can control a Processing application (interactive toy,audio glove etc) or a Processing application that takes input (audio,camera,mouse) and controls some output (motors, leds)
3. Responsive or reactive visual experience
Create an interactive visual environment that responds to participants. It may be screen-based (interactive keyboard) or projection (mapping) or involve physical components such as cameras, kinect or sensors.
4. Performance or performance tool
Create a tool to perform with or a performance. It might be live reactive visuals or a custom audio synthesizer.
1. Presentation of completed project due December 8th
Include presentation of the initial idea, related or inspiring projects, if/how it changed, sketches and the final results.
2. Delivery of documentation (code, images and/or video uploaded to github and/or vimeo) due December 14th
– uses Processing, Arduino or p5.js (or combination)
– shows understanding/use of variables, functions, logic, libraries
– not just a modification of an example (be original!)
– has a defined concept or statement of intent
– presented in class
– documented and deliverables provided (original code, photos or video of output and/or process)
– meets project requirements as listed above
– shows creativity (concept, visual or sonic form, code and/or interactivity)
– shows independent research beyond class topics
– ideas and results communicated effectively
(more to come)
Command Roulette
The Day We Changed Our Lives Forever