week 6, corruption series

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* https://github.com/recyclism/Corrupt.Processing
* Coded initially in 2004 Benjamin Gaulon, then ported to PHP for corrupt.recyclism.com
* More info on www.recyclism.com/corrupt.php
* Feel free to use / modify / Share this
* No License
PImage img;
String fileName = “img3”; // You file name here (should be in the DATA Folder)
String fileExt = “.jpg”; // file extansion (works best with JPG or PNG)

void setup() {
img = loadImage(fileName + fileExt);

image(img, 0, 0, width/2, height/2);
byte b[] = loadBytes(fileName + fileExt);
for (int j = 0; j < 30; j ++) // change 30 to any value to generate more images
byte bCopy[] = new byte[b.length];
arrayCopy(b, bCopy);
// load binary of file
int scrambleStart = 10;
// scramble start excludes 10 bytes///
int scrambleEnd = b.length;
// scramble end ///
int nbOfReplacements = int (random(1, 10));
// Number of Replacements – Go easy with this as too much will just kill the file ///
// Swap bits ///
for (int i = 0; i < nbOfReplacements; i++)
int PosA = int(random (scrambleStart, scrambleEnd));
int PosB = int(random (scrambleStart, scrambleEnd));
byte tmp = bCopy[PosA];
bCopy[PosA] = bCopy[PosB];
bCopy[PosB] = tmp;
// Save the file in “corrupted” folder ///
saveBytes(“./results/”+fileName + Integer.toString(j) + fileExt, bCopy);

img = loadImage(“../results/”+fileName + 0 + fileExt);


void draw(){

int count = 0;

void keyPressed(){
if(count >= 30) count = 0;
img = loadImage(“../results/”+fileName + count + fileExt);





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