AMT Rendez-vous #7

AMT Rendez-vous #7

What: AMT Rendez-vous
When: Tuesday 26th of August 2014, 5 to 7pm
Where: Parsons Paris room 301

PCK-Mountain-1024x682Michael Ang is a Berlin-based artist and engineer working at the intersection of art, engineering, and the natural world. He creates technological tools for enhancing our understanding of the physical and ecological world around us, and for modulating social interaction.  Michael’s artwork has been exhibited at NASA Ames Research Center for Yuri’s Night, transmediale, Gray Area Foundation For The Arts, and Natalie Jeremijenko’s OOZ.  Michael envisions a world of humane technology focused on people and the environment — the works he creates are examples in that direction.



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Jhava Chikli is a designer whose sustained interest lies in the combination of applied science and design. Her analytical skills push her to constantly challenge both content and technology. But her passion is all about creating a “magical” twist so that the user is constantly surprised and amazed when he encounters archival documents. Jhava graduated from Paris Est and is currently finishing her Phd.

Melanie Rozencwajg is an entrepreneurial designer whose passion is to merge the past and the future. She has focused her previous research on the relationship between photography and history and has extensively explored the subject of archives. By applying an entrepreneurial approach to her previous research she looked at how social science combined with tech and design can respond to our societal need. Melanie graduated from the Royal College of Art.

grlfr_veste_led_MartinDB_2014-6008Martin De Bie EnsADlab research department since 2009. Member of the French Graffiti Research Lab. The Graffiti Research Lab France (G.R.L. F.R.) is an art group dedicated to outfitting graffiti writers, artists and protesters with open source technologies for urban communication. The G.R.L. F.R. team was until recently in residency at La Gaîté Lyrique, the digital arts center of Paris, where it carries on its research in the fields of electronics, digital art, D.I.Y and urban hacking.