Shoe Final. Phase IV: Animal Shoe (Bear-owl)

The final part of the shoe project was to create an animal-looking shoe investigating materials. For  Bear-owl, the idea was to create a combination of a bear and an owl. The bear part is on the bottom and the front, and you can see the claws. As for the owl, it represents the buckle of the final piece.

Title: Bear-owl

Materials: Planar; Aluminum, Copper, Wood, Fabric. Linear; 24 & 28 Gauge Wire, Thread, Rivets.

Tools: Needle, Sewing Machine, Blunt Nose & Needle Nose Pliers, Scissors, Drill, Drill Machine, Sanding Machines, Woodcutting Machines, Rivet Gun,

Easiest part: There were no easy parts when doing this project, but the least complicated was cutting the aluminum.

Most challenging part: This is a tough question because every piece was complex and hard to connect, so I would say cutting the copper, and sewing it with wire was the hardest part.

These next pictures are of the first draft of the shoe, done with cardboard, tracing paper, foamier board, aluminum foil, and masking tape.

IMG_0805   IMG_0806


The process and final product of the Bear-owl looks like this:

IMG_0693   IMG_0732  IMG_0747 IMG_0748  IMG_0753  IMG_0754 IMG_0766 IMG_0767

The final pieces altogether look like this:


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