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Final Project_Book/Cultural

Topic: Cultural Appropriation
What is Cultural Appropriation?

Cultural appropriation is the adoption of elements of one culture by members of a different cultural group, specifically the use by cultural outsiders of a minority, oppressed cultures symbols or other cultural elements.

My idea for this final project is come from a Chinese taxi driver. He said he came here 30 years already, and Chinatown is same as 30 years ago. Everything looks the same. From his words, I decided I will choose the topic on cultural. And I decide to make a photo book of it.

I designed the book is mix with Chinese and English. The title for the book is in Chinese, “独在异乡为异客”. This sentence is come from a Tang Dynasty poem writer named Wang Wei. “独在异乡为异客” means All alone in foreign town.

Chinatown is located at the Lower portion of Manhattan. New York’s Chinatown is the largest of Chinatown in the United States. They have the largest Chinese population and civilization on the western side of the hemisphere. It consists of two square miles of shops, homes, restaurants, and much more for the Chinese community. The population is estimated at around 70,000 to 150,000 citizens. Here is the place that they have American Dream.

Chinese immigrants began civilization in Chinatown around the middle of the 18th century. There were only small numbers of immigrants to start with. Some came on family-related visas, some came on working visas, and others sneaked in and still others were given asylum. Chinatown was supported of their own people in the Chinese community due to racial discrimination and self-segregation. Chinese immigrants continued to increase. New Chinese immigrants they created a structure internally which consisted of associations of governing for the community, businesses, offices, and such which supplied the people who health care, items needed for everyday life.

More images for book : http://issuu.com/annezchen0206/docs/binder1-2



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