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Reading + reflection 3

Reading + Reflection 3

       In this article, I learned about what is Okala Practitioner. “Okala Practitioner is a guide for designers from many disciplines to understand how to design more environmentally friendly products and services.” Okala means life-sustaining energy in the indigenous Hopi Language. Okala is not only about life –sustaining also it’s about economics wires. The goal for Okala is to increase people’s knowledge to understanding of what is the most significance design in the global economics. Learn thorough and designers can prepare with the business and market plan.


  1. Can you name a few of the environmental impacts created by the design disciplines?

Virescence of City, urban design, Garden Design, Clothing Design–no fur.

  1. What criteria do we currently use to measure the value of a successful product or system design?

Recycling, Energy Saving


  1. Who should take responsibility for the environmental impacts created by products and product systems?

Designer and producer have response for the environmental impact. Because if designer design something that is harmful for the natural environment, and the producer agree with that. They are hurting the natural in purpose. However, everyone should take responsibility for the environmental problem.

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