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Field Action Towards A More Resilient Future in NYC

I went to Red Hook Brooklyn farm on last week. This is my first to get in touch with the nature and get to know about the environment. What we did in there, it was how to make natural fertilizer.

How natural fertilizer made, they told us about it. At first, they will buy those wood chips from New York Environment department. Those wood chips are made of chopped tree, and mixed with other ingredients, such as vegetables, shells, etc. After the got those wood chips, they will set them aside, mixed with water and worn. Water could provided a good environment for worms. Cause this is a substance composed chiefly of the dung of worms, accumulated along certain coastal areas or in caves and used as fertilizer.

After certain days, they will start to sifting. and that what we did at  the farm. They divided us into two parts to sifting. One group are sifting the first round, when we done the first part, pass to second group, and they will continue to sifting. Under the sifting table, they have three bins under it, it’s for fertilizer. When we finished sifting, fertilizers will sit there for few days, and they can sell it to another farm or market.

In this volunteer project, I learn that we could make something happen. Why I saying this, it because chopped trees can produce out some natural fertilizer. Before this project, I never know how natural fertilizer come from, and don’t want to know. But it is fun to work and learn new stuff.

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