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Reading + reflection 4

Reading+ Reflection #4

       In this video clip is a talk about energy system by Amory B. Lovins. It’s to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. In the video clip, Amory talked about U.S energy intensity will continue decline few percent after many years. Energy system is related with economy standards market. At the same time, efficient to use electricity, it started one market building and came with industry.

After watched the video, let me think of some energy happens in your home. Now is wintertime, everyone is close their windows and turns on the heater. When the heaters turn on every single day. It will make the environment getting dry and irritated throat. Some people will choose to buy a humidifier to make the room more mist. They were treating symptoms and not the root cause. People should solve this problem easily. I know it’s cold in the winter, but when temperatures are warm out. Please don’t afraid to open up the window. Let the fresh air come into the room, make the room air refresher. The heater is on most of the time. It will damage people’s respiratory system.

Another is water wasted. How water is consumed so fast on the daily basis. When we taking bath and brushing teeth, we always leave the water on. People did not realize that is the most important and wasting water. As the research, taking a bath or brushing teeth is 37 percent. The highest water consumed.

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