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Response for Yuken Teruya‘s Art Work


First when I look at the art piece, there is a mini tree inside a McDonalds fast food bag. Outside, the McDonalds bag with USA and Olympics  logo with it, the familiar yellow and red and little bit blue colors. Look at the Inside, instead of  McDonalds fast food, It’s a three-dimensional and miniature tree stand in there. The tree it so detailed, it’s well shaping,  the trunk is blue, and leaves are mix with red and yellow.  Look more carefully, I can see the top ceiling part is has been carefully trimmed. It’s in the middle of the McDonalds logo. With this delicate cuts, light can go into the interior of the bag, casting shadows of the miniature paper leaves tree. The tree color is match with McDonalds’ logo, it’s autumn burning colored leaved. Although the tree is tiny, but it’s perfectly stable  inside the bag as it has root.

Second, the material that the artist used are very simply. Teruya ‘s starting point with paper bag. it’s represent towards the carelessness planet forest.  The hole from the bag ceiling, let light filter down through the top and makes the tree more interesting. The tree has created a spotlight for itself within its environment.

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