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Learning Portfolio

Water footprint

This is my Water footprint from last class.   During this week, I tried to record my daily life. From…

Reading + reflection 8

The Hudson river is a major part of New York State's original "highway system" The footprint of of the Hudson River…

Reading+Reflection 5

3 Lessons In Relation to Joel Towers’ Admonition Admonition: “Design and its waste products have to be accounted for. There…

Reading + reflection 4

Reading+ Reflection #4        In this video clip is a talk about energy system by Amory B. Lovins. It’s to…

Reading + reflection 3

Reading + Reflection 3        In this article, I learned about what is Okala Practitioner. “Okala Practitioner is a guide…

Reading, reflection 2

Reading, reflection 2        This historical video is about climate changing in the earth. When we heard climate change, will…
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