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[Integrative Studio 1] Peer to Peer: A Cheetah

The main topic of this project was “Peer to Peer,” so we chose a partner. The partner who worked with me was Mai. First thing we went through was thinking an animal that similar to us.

I thought I have an elephant’s characteristic in that I am quite sensitive and have fragile mind to be hurt although I am tall and looked strong like the elephant. Mai has similarities with a cheetah.

She literally runs fast and when she takes a rest, she is quite lazy like the cheetah does. I wanted to focus on the speed on this studio project because the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. So, I made a helmet form with hand cutting newsprints, arranging a cheetah’s pattern, which is leopard. I made a front mask as goggles for helmet and attached wires to express cheetah’s whiskers.

Published in Integrative Studio 1


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