I was never the type of person who planned out their work meticulously, classes such as Seminar and Studio taught me how to put more thought and meaning into my work. For our first project we had to choose an object that we cherished and felt represented us. I chose my plaid socks as my object because its holes and stains give it character. I felt that the damage on the socks were an accurate representation of time and growth. After choosing an object I was so attached to writing about the socks came naturally, I explained how I always kept my true self hidden from the others just as a pair of socks are hidden behind shoes. I analyzed each and every detail of my socks finding more connections between me and my object as I went along, this gave me a good platform to create a self portrait showing how my socks show who I am. In my self portrait I used ink and ripped pieces of paper to represent the stains and tears on my socks. The end result was an array of abstract self portraits that perfectly represented me and who I am. This project allowed me to take a deeper look at myself and gave me a better understanding about the real parts of myself as well as the fake parts of myself.
The second project touched upon a popular project in todays day and age which is trans genders. For this project we were paired with another class mate and assigned to create a transgender identity then conduct an interview. In Seminar we reviewed how to create questions that are appropriate and also some questions that are informative. Once we got ?our questions, in Studio class we created a video interview as the transgender identities we created, focusing on setting, angles, and our appearance. We built upon our videos continuing to edit them until the message we were trying to portray was clear. Aster our interview in Studio was complete we were asked to write an essay summarizing our interview and our interviewee. This essay allowed us to take a step back and reflect on our interview, allowing us to get a different point of view on gender inequality and the way the media portrays trans genders.
Lastly for our most recent project we were given a time period and asked to create a prosthetic inspired by this time period. In Seminar we researched our time period, allowing us to obtain more knowledge about the time period we were assigned which was San Francisco in the 1960’s, more specifically Haight Ashbury. Going into our prosthetic keeping in mind all that we researched in Seminar made us create a prosthetic with stronger visual information that clearly represented Haight Ashbury. While we created the prosthetic in studio we worked on a mock museum inspired by Hiaght Ashbury in Seminar. The mock museum gave our group ideas on how to format art gallery wall text and was a smooth transition to start planning out our wall text for our prosthesis gallery. In the end we gained knowledge on how to present our work in an orderly fashion. All these projects taught us techniques we will most likely keep with us for the rest of our lives, as well as giving us knowledge to create art with more depth and to raise awareness about more controversial issues that are popular in todays society.
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