The Morgan Library is a both a museum and a library that possess many resources of literature, music and fine art.
Located in Manhattan 522 5th ave, the Morgan Library has been enhanced with applications to the already captivating windows. There were colored transparent adhesive films scattered over the windows to bring many shades of color into the room. The effect of glass on this space was major. The glass that was suspended from above which we later learned was starphire glass encouraged the light to come in gently into the closed yet open space. If you look closely you can see the reflection of the colored films on the white plastic tables.
The glass house designed by ,Philip Johnson though very beautiful negatively has temperature problems. Similar to the Chrystal palace glass is not a good material for installation purposes just as it will not absorb sound it will retain temperature, potentially creating an uncomfortable space.
Wood being natural is a material that is often used in various space for multiple purposes. One place in particular that had an abundance of wood was hotel Nolitan. There were a couple types of methods being used in the lobby of the space. The floors were hard wood and the railings were most likely a walnut a solid with a veneer finishing.The wood created a warm space and created a natural look compared to the concrete counterparts and animal skinned rugs.
The Serpentine pavilion in London, UK designed by Alvaro Slza is a very interesting structure that is simple but so effective. The structure of the wooden hollow boxes for a ceiling encourages air flow through the top. The curvature of the entire ceiling also lends itself to being a cooling system.
One place in particular that was filled with a variety of the stone was the Chrysler building.Residing on 42nd street built in 1930. There was literally wall to wall stone. The stone on the all was cut in one direction and assembled side by side, while the tiles on the floor were cut in the same direction but were arranged in a different direction giving floor a random looking pattern. The marble gives the space a wealthy feel.
Casa Mila
Located in Barcelona, Spain this on of a kind creation was designed by Antonl Gaudi. This modernist building made between 1906-1910 is a multifamily housing.
41 bond street is a very unique apartment building. The stone used to create these cut bricks was most likely slate. Not a common use for this wood but very inventive and stylish. This unconventional way of using this stone gives the building a sleek finish.This material also gives the building a solid structure.The South Asian Human Rights Documentation center in New Delhi is a perfect example of making something ordinary extraordinary. Simple red bricks were placed on their sides and rotated a bit to create this pattern. This is great for bringing in natural light as well as cool air.
The Bobst library has an incredible metal curtain made out of brass sheets to create this captivating pattern.The method of cutting the shapes was most likely used with a laser cutter or power cutter. Being metal this will absorb any temperature in the room. The st. Andrews Beach house located in Victoria Australia was designed by Sean Godsell Architects. This construction is open and exposed to the elements.Elevated from the ground this building has space for parking and storage. The exterior is made from steel that had formed a protective outer skin that has been perforated and oxidized.
Plastic & Textiles
Plastic being a synthetic man made material, it can be manipulated and made into many forms.
Plastics are usually used on small surfaces or for accents. The New Museum is an exception. A few offices in this building use plastic panelling along the walls to implement partitions for privacy.
The Eden projet is located in cornwall, UK designed by Grimshaw. It is a visitors attraction that house plants and greenery. These artificial bio- domes consist are made up of thousands of hexagons to create a strong and structurally sound construction.
Textiles usually made from natural fibers such as cotton, wool and silk can be altered to create endless shapes, patterns and designs. Not only are textiles visually pleasing to the eye, they have functional use as well.
The Aesop stores are known for their innovative wall coverings and feel of the store. This Aesop store in particular is lined with felt made from wool. This material is great for sound absorption as well as contain heat.
The Moom tensigrity membrane structure in Chiba,Japan , designed by Kazuhiro Kojima lab/ Tokyo University of Science is a phenomena all on its own. Made only out of elastic polyester “skin” and steel poles this structure is designed strategically and must be built in a specific layout.