Design studio 2

Grand Central concepts

IMG_8043 IMG_8045_2 IMG_8046 IMG_8040_2These are my concept models. The diamond shaped paper and plastic model stand for intimacy . The Japanese star origami model represents the stages of a story and storytelling on a whole. The Tree stands for history. Those three traits intimacy, storytelling, and history are the three components that I want to represent in my story corps assignment.

IMG_8093 IMG_8091_2 IMG_8095In these three models I wanted to capture intimacy using transparency, the walkways in the second model signifying a journey and string in the first model to represent connections that people make in a journey and within intimacy.

IMG_8443 IMG_8473 IMG_8478 IMG_8480This was my further study of representing intimacy with transparency.

Color Program/ concept 





Color study/ Conceptsec3

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