Week 2

WK 2

Sources of inspiration:
* I divided the source of inspiration into three parts, character, material, and expressiveness of design. I like the smell of pine trees and raindrops in the forest. In the morning, the fog in the forest smells of the woods.

* Why did you select these particular images?
The fragrance is very similar to a person, so I look for what a person lost in the forest. I think this person can well define this abstract smell experience.

* What meanings you were looking to convey?
I want to convey a personality that throws away the hustle and bustle of the world. I think this person is a person who likes ink and literature and lives in the forest.

* Talk about what you learned about conveying meaning during this process
By looking for related pictures and products of similar brands, the design concept can become more explicit, and there is a general design direction. The thinking will not become so vague.

Form under functionality

The symbolic and concrete processing makes the characteristics of the product magnified, and the functionality of the packaging serves as the carrier of the product’s characteristics.

Material and texture

Combining organic textures in nature and modern materials processed by handicrafts: metals, plastics, ceramics, etc., can reflect the strength of industrial processing and the softness of nature.


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