For my final Drawing & Imaging Project, I chose to work with a building from my hometown Hamburg, in Germany, that means a lot to me, as I spent a lot of time there growing up. The photos I am using are from a shooting of the house where I assisted. Looking at all the different photos and angles of the house, I decided to work with photo number 9, as I love the contrast between the inside and the outside, which can be seen through the large window front. I think this photo has a lot of potential when manipulating textures, as it is so rich in different surfaces. The sense of depth, and therefore perspective, created through the one point perspective angle is very strong in this photo.
For the textures, I chose to work with everything that I could find both inside and outside of the house. Inside of the house, I focused on the textures of this room, rather than of other rooms, to create the connection between the room and the manipulated photo collage. I took pictures of the same surface from different distances and angles, as I think they look completely different and provide a larger variety of textures.
Drawing the Space
In order to observe the space more closely, I then drew it from different angles that are the same from which the photos were taken. I chose 4 angles that I thought created a great sense of perspective in the photos and drew these to further observe them. This helped me make my decision of which photo I would like to work with.
Putting People into the Space
As required, I then photoshopped people into this place. I chose to put my dad and my grandpa onto the couch, as they are the two people I connect to this spot, and are both extremely important to me.
Texture Templates
To make the process of collaging easier and more organized, I created texture templates of the different kinds of textures, sorting them after where I found them and ordering them in a way that made sense to me.
- Outside Floors
- Other
- Inside Floors
- Fabrics
- Wall Textures
Photocollage Process
Before I started with the collage, I thought about some key principles and ideas that I would like to incorporate into my work. As mentioned above, I think the contrast between the inside and the outside is very interesting in this photo. I wanted to keep this contrast, so I decided to reverse it, putting the textures from outside on inside surfaces and vice versa. To me, nature is the most important thing that I gave up at home in order to come to New York. Especially the trees and the sense of protection and comfort they represent to me are a very important element in my life, and something I always find myself longing for, which is why I wanted to incorporate them as a coverage in the ceiling.
Final Versions