Essays by Tony Hiss and R. Murray Schafer

These essays focused on the deep travel phenomenon. There are so many thing that go around us that we don’t notice like how the first essay tells how he (Tony). notices a bird eating another. I think these essays inspired me to open my mind and try to notice the “fine details” of life and capture them through my work. I think you showed us these essays to inspire us to notice everything and to find the beauty in every small “out of the ordinary” moment.

To create a sense of wonder in deep travel Hiss says that “wonder induction” is essential. He says it is a simple matter while you’re moving and looking around and notice one subject of interest, then to find how it works, and what it’s connected to, and where it came from, and who thought of it, and how many people are responsible for it, and when it might next be used, and why it looks the way it does, and how and when it got there. I will now try – when shooting  – to find the beauty in moments and things and most important to be curious. I’ll try to wonder about why thing are, how they got there, why there there, etc…

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