Archive, Integrative Studio

24 objects compose this archive. ‘Map’ and ‘Mirror’ drive the development of the project and relate the objects in some way or another.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Tractatus, God Bless you Dr. Kevorkian, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Invisible Cities, Rayuela. I selected these books, but I’m missing many others: Moby Dick, Quixote, The Stranger…

… these books that are made of paths and traces and reflections and appearances.

  4 books on top of rayuela


(6, 7) Journal of a trip across the pacific, drawing of ‘El Aleph’, the one that is mine. The latter is an exploration of a one of Borges’ most famous short stories, the former, and evidence of what I am in the absence of reflections.


(8) Film camera. The mechanism is made of mirrors and reflections, its product is a map of s moment.


(9, 10) The developer, the negative. The first brings the life to the second. The negative is an imperfect map: it is inverted. The developer…


(11, 12) Atom Heart Mother, Insomnia. That sound my goodness: it feels the space between me and the mirror. Insomnia is a puzzle; a map.


(13) Perfume: there is always something I don’t really understand.


(14, 15, 16) Map, Mirror, Marble. Pronounce it yourself and hear the repeated M. Is it not miraculous? The movement of the marble is unpredictable.


(17, 18, 19) Typewriter, photocopy, protractor. The protractor is to make the map. The photocopy to reproduce it. The typewriter is to write a criticism of the photocopy machine for reducing the value of the original map by diluting its aura and authenticity.  


(20) The to-do lists I’ve been recollecting since I got to NY. They map my INTENSIVE study.


(21, 22) Visine, necklace. The Visine, like the mirror, is a transition between two mediums. The necklace is a symbol of my mythology.  


(23, 24) The coral and the cigarette. I like both. And the coral suggests a vagina.


Born in Colombia

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