Untitled Black Sculpture

For this sculptural response, students had to create sculptures based on the reading “Form Wheel”. This meant that students had to incorporate two or more characteristics into their sculptures: enclose, perforate, expand, contract, divide and flatten. I chose to use Perforate and divide. The perforation in the piece is very obvious with the use of wooden skewers literally perforating two pieces of foamboard used to connect them and to pass through one of them. The division is more subliminal, it depends on which angle you look at the piece and if there is something or someone on the other side. What I mean is that the skewers are meant to create a form of barrier, which would separate two different viewers on each side.


I wanted this piece to have an architectural feel to it, give it a sense of structure and stability but still keep it slim, sensitive and simple. I debated a lot how I would make this piece, at first I wanted to make a rectangle with wooden skewers as walls but felt that would be too obvious so I shifted to top layer to one side and perforated it in the middle created a interesting structure. It was made out of foam board, acrylic paint, and wooden skewers.