Vito Acconci’s “Activities”, a body of work where he tries to find new perspectives through the use of photography and performance, were very interesting to me at first because of how they were displayed. Acconci’s displays seemed very deliberate and even didactic at times, he would incorporate text, images, and organization in the final display of the work and that itself wasn’t final because he would make many different arrangements of the same Activities. 


For my project, I wanted to incorporate the idea of finding a new perspective through photography while also wanting the piece to be displayed in a very specific way. Being quarantined at home I began to notice details on small objects around the house that I wouldn’t have noticed if I had not been paying attention. I then came up with the idea of photographing small things and displaying them on a large scale and also taking photos of large things and displaying them on a small scale. By showing the small things on a larger scale the viewer will be able to see a large amount of detail present while also being able to appreciate the beauty of the small common object. This also reduces the importance of a large object simply for the fact that it is large.