Multiple Perspectives (part 2)

Construction of the Accordion Book


Inspirational Pictures

As a group, we decided on a few design elements in order to make these books feel like one. We have found some inspirational pictures to guide us during this process.

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Digital Prototype

I have made a digital prototype in order to have a vision of the pages without constructing it.

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The Exterior of the Book

My group decided on a common design for the back of the book. Since it has an accordion shape you can expand and stretch it, so we designed it accordingly. In our book, when you stretch it the sky view of NYC appears.

The cover has the same design as the back of the accordion book. This design wraps around the book. The title creates an irony between post and pre covid periods of  New York City.



Page 1

This page symbolizes the connection between art and the Upper East Side. The transparent hand at the bottom mimics the shadow of our hands. This symbolizes also mine and my peers’ impact on the art industry as young designers who are studying in NYC. This page has the background of my essay to both be informative and to also create the theme of an old newspaper.


Pages 2 and 3

The first page has the sign “Sorry, we are temporarily closed.” This text is usually used by local stores during the pandemic. With an illustration of the MET Museum, this page shows how the art world got paused as a result of this virus. This page has the background of my essay to both be informative and to also create the theme of an old newspaper.

On the second page, there is a map that has all the museums in Upper East Side marked on it. The only common thing you see between them is that they all have temporarily closed signs under them. This page shows how much the virus affected the city. For this page, I blocked out a portion of the map to place a section of my essay on to it.


Pages 4 and 5

Several months ago, MET. Museum got highly criticized because of only having 26 online exhibitions. So on the first page, I added this phone to show that first of all MET should update their website and add more pieces to it. Also, two buttons at the bottom show my main two solutions.

For the first solution, I designed an attachment for their current web site named “Plan Your Visit”. This site will manage you to select the pieces you want to see, and automatically creates a route for you to make your visit as quick as possible. On this page, I have a map of a portion of the museum. And as marked with red, there is a personalized route for a more quick visit. This page has the background of my essay to both be informative and to also create the theme of an old newspaper.


Page 6

Since I am making updates on an art museum, I decided to add art to my solutions. I came up with an exhibition named “Art of Pandemic”. This exhibition is all about coronavirus and how it affected the world. It is placed at the entry of the museum which will make it appear as a warning for visitors to keep their social distance. The exhibition will include several concrete statues that are coughing and suffocating. The background of the exhibition will be a huge LED screen which shows the people who caught the virus.


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