Bedroom Room Floor Plan


Part 1

In this assignment, I got assigned to come up with a “foot-print” for our selected space in order to gain more solid information about the room I chose. By this assignment, I intended to examine my room’s layout and learn the measurements of the composition we are going to create in our next work.

In my case, I chose my bedroom as my focus area. As a result of that, I carefully examined the space and tried to have a better understanding of its layout. After my little research, I started to measure all the walls and furniture and noted all the data in my class journal.

Once I gathered all the measurements I needed, I started sketching. I started my drawing by writing my measurement system on the left-hand side of my page. After that, I drew the four main walls of my room. However, later, I had to modify them because of my embedded furniture like the wardrobe and the bookcase. This situation caused me to add attachments to my walls and grew them out. After creating the boundaries of the room, I decided to add a symbol to indicate the door’s placement. I also used a different type of line to note the gateways to the balcony down. Once I am done with the walls, I used all the measurements I gathered to place the furniture. I strategically placed them according to the space they have between each other.

After finalizing the floor plan, I finally had a chance to focus on my selected object. My selected object is a crystal, and I decided to display it on my bookcase for a better visual experience. So I measured its container and sketched it on top of my bookcase at my floor pan. It seemed a little bit blended, so I decided to color it by drawing oblique lines to make it more recognizable.

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Part 2

In the second part of this assignment, we were assigned to perfect our floor maps. We learned how to draw up to scale and decorate our rooms with blueprint symbols.

Firstly, I used the measurements from part 1 of this assignment to carefully draw my bedroom. I created a specific scale to assign my grids a length before drawing. After deciding the scale, I created small dots to calculate the walls’ position. Then I drew the walls and headed to decorate the room using blueprint signs. I added all the furniture, power outlets, and windows by tracing the blueprints that our professor provided for us.

What did you learn from drawing your floor plan?

From this exercise, I adopted the skills of drawing up to a specific scale and learned how to use the architectural blueprint. Also, I have never done any work related to architecture, so this exercise was a great way to step out of my comfort zone and learn how to make a professional architectural drawing.

What are some of the ways that you can use a floor plan?

Other than depicting an entire building, one floor of a building, or a single room,  floor plans have other uses to them. Floor plans are also useful to design furniture layout. It is also a great alternative to have a better understanding of your surroundings. It is a great way to have a bird view of the selected space. In addition, I find out that floor plans are valuable tools for real estate agents.

How does this change the way you understand your Living Room / Bedroom?

This exercise made me visualize my room as a constructed environment. I had a chance to see a clear view of the furniture layout of the room in a two-dimensional space. I also realized the dimensions of the room and how much space is filled with furniture. I examined all the locations of the power outlets in my room. To sum up, this study helped me to notice all the features of the room.

1 Comment

  1. eirajeremy · March 19, 2024 Reply

    By carefully measuring and sketching their room layout, they gained a better understanding of their space. The exercise helped them visualize their room as a constructed environment, allowing them to see the furniture layout and dimensions clearly. Additionally, they noted the locations of power outlets, enhancing their awareness of features within my location.

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