Final Project Proposals with mock-up/prototype

In this assignment, we got assigned to come up with a sacred/contemplative space or object based on our Parsons major. Our professor wanted us to create a prototype and made some sketches about our intentions in this project to have a better understanding of our craft before submitting the final draft.  

Topic Exploration 

My researched topic till the beginning of the semester was the theme of rituals. In this particular project, I wanted to focus on the topic of manifestation as a narrowed version of the theme rituals. According to this new topic, I decided to design an object that would be useful in my daily manifestation practices. Because manifestation is an act that is used to draw positivity in your life, my theme and created object are directly connected to the feeling of joy.

 The Object

Why did I choose to design an object?

Ever since I am little, I was particularly interested in creating new objects and repurposing them to enhance their look and function. Applying to parsons, I focused on this hobby of mine and eventually gravitated towards the major “Product Design.” As a result of that, in this project, I wanted to accomplish this goal of repurposing and elevating cultural objects from the past to incorporate them into our daily life by modernizing them.

The Hand of the Universe 

In this project, I want to develop an object that fully serves my narrowed topic of manifestation. My research of contemplative and sacred objects made me aware of all the iconic yet mythical items in the past. I envision my object as a combination, modernized version of significant spiritual symbols from history. One of the items that attracted my attention was the Hamsa. Hamsa is an ancient talisman that compels happiness, luck, health, and good fortune to its owner’s life. It has the shape of a symmetrical open right hand. When it is faced down, it brings fertility and answers to your prayers and manifestations. Throughout Anatolian history, covens used this sacred object to make spiritual rituals involving manipulation of the universe. Another targeted object of mine is the rose quartz crystal. I have worked with this element throughout the semester, so I want to use it once again to keep up a constant theme. Rose quartz is a product of nature, and it is blessed with magical gifts of the universe. It holds the power of healing and increases the speed of the manifestations you released out to the universe. Inspired by these two powerful items, I decided to combine them into a three-dimensional hand sculpted out of rose quartz. This object will serve as an ashtray where you will collect your manifestation letters and burn them when a full moon occurs. Burning the manifestation letter will send your messages to the universe. The Hamsa and the rose quartz’s magical qualities will add speed to your practice and protect you from possible negative outcomes. Writing your needs down will also be an excellent opportunity to add a contemplative exercise to my new object. I visualize this product coming with vintage packaging with a how-to instruction included. With this item, I aim to create a product that would help me with my own everyday spiritual practices and a product that would provide an easy experience to manifest for others.

The Form of the Object

This object is a modernized and repurposed version of sacred symbols from the past. The symbol of Hamsa heavily influences it. The Hamsa is an ancient Middle Eastern symbolic object with a variety of meanings across cultures. It is an amulet symbolizing the Hand of the Goddess. It is also a talisman that brings happiness, luck, health, and good fortune to its owner. The Hamsa is represented as an open, right, symmetrical hand, which is a sign of blessing, power, and strength. It is also seen as a piece of useful equipment in diverting the evil eye, which is a malicious stare believed to be able to cause illness or even death. When the Hamsa hand faces down, it attracts all the abundance and the goodness of the universe. In this position, it also brings fertility and answers to your prayers and manifestations. Each finger of the Hamsa hand symbolizes an element and a chakra. Thumb is for the element of fire and solar plexus chakra. The forefinger is for air element and heart chakra. The middle finger is for ethereal elements and throat chakra. The ring finger is for the earth element and root chakra. The pinky finger is for the water element and sacral chakra. With the passing time, this symbol has become materialized as necklaces, wall hangs, and trays. Across history, this symbol is used in many sacred rituals and practices. As a result of that, it can be clearly represented as a sacred object.

The Material of the Object

Because I intended this object to function like an ashtray, I decided to use a stone that would be fire and heat safe. Since my theme is highly influenced by sacredness and rituals, I chose to use rose quartz instead of an ordinary stone. Because I was using this material as a signifier since the beginning of the semester, I am highly aware of its powers and spiritual importance. According to my research, Rose Quartz, a silicon dioxide crystal, is one of the most common varieties of the Quartz family. Its name is derived from its soft rose color, which ranges from very pale pink to deep reddish-pink. It usually occurs in massive form, though it sometimes grows in clusters of small prismatic crystals. It varies in clarity from opaque to translucent to a foggy transparency. Some specimens contain Rutile traces within the stone, which creates six-rayed stars when polished into cabochons or spheres. Rose Quartz is feminine in tone and one of the stones of the Great Mother. It not only activates the human Heart Chakra, it also links with the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe. Its vibrations can penetrate down to the cellular level and reprogram cells for joy and longevity rather than despair and death. It encourages the dissolution of anger and resentment, fear and suspicion, and brings the Light of healing, the rebirth of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe. Meditating with Rose Quartz assists one in reaching a resonance with the frequency of compassion, releasing emotional patterns that hold one back, and allows for embracing higher and finer frequencies of Light. Rose Quartz brings the energy rays of determination, commitment, and caring. Its soothing color calms feelings of anger or resentment, and can aid efforts to meditate and reflect. Pink is the color of new love, new romance, and new relationships. It increases developing sensuality, and can help overcome heartache, aiding in the improvement of our caring and loving abilities. Above all these, it is a mighty crystal to enhance the speed of your manifestations’ responses. It is an exceptionally functional crystal to manifest love with its high level of frequency and sacredness.

The Use of the Object

I designed this object with the intention of creating a piece of equipment that would be helpful in the act of manifesting. You will begin by writing your future needs in pieces of paper, folding them, and collecting them in the palm of my sacred creation. Starting with the new moon, you will repeat this process till the arrival of the full moon. With the rising full moon, you will burn these paper you have collected over time and send your messages to the universe. The sacred sigil of The Hamsa and the material of rose quartz will enhance your manifestations’ speed and power. With this object, I want to offer people a new and safe way to manifest, call your dreams into your life.

The Written Narrative

In the written portion of this bridge project, I aim to write a research-based story that will have an informative yet thrilling tone. The written piece will begin with a story about Hecate, the goddess of witchery and ghosts, gifting the object that I will create for the studio class to humankind. Even though it will be an imaginary story, it will include authentic facts about the figures and symbols I want to mention. So, I will have an opportunity to make a comprehensive research about the historical findings of Hecate, the Hamsa, and the power of rose quartz. My research would be inspired by artworks that portray the existence of Hecate and the earlier attempts of manifestation. As a result of that, I aim to do my research from historical websites and some art museums that carry ancient pieces. Another method of research I will use in my written article will be the technique of observation. By observing my current spiritual practices, I hope to gain further information about making my object more compatible with daily life. After the story, the written report will shift into a descriptive essay that vividly depicts the object I created. I intend to include detailed background information about the importance of its figure, color, and material. Beyond its appearance, it will also include instructions for how to use it properly. I also aim to write about how this object made my every day sacred and contemplative exercises easier and what outcomes should others expect after using it regularly. With the help of this additional information, I hope to offer a better understanding of my object in both studio and seminar classes.

The Prototype

The Purpose Behind the Prototype

With this prototype, I intended to build a realistic version of my dream object before finalizing it. Prototypes are particularly useful for clarifying and organizing your thoughts to come up with a more professional and polished final result. In the process of building a prototype, there is a high chance for you to detect wrong measurements in your drawings and correct them. This act also allows you to have a better understanding of the materials you want to use in your final submission. Overall, prototypes offer you a great preview of what your intended object will look like once it is completed.

Material Used for the Prototype

I decided to use cardboard to construct my prototype. Cardboards are durable yet easy to shape, so it enables you to form even the most complex structures. Because it has a soft build, there is no need to have special sculpting equipment to shape it. A razor blade knife is just practical enough to cave it out. To be honest, my initial intention was to use clay as a material to build my prototype out of. However, I could not go and buy it because Turkey had stay-in orders through the weekend.

The Process

First of all, I drew up to scale drawings of my final product from all 4 sides. Then guided by them, I started to build my prototype. Because you can not sculpt cardboard, like stone or clay, I had to change my strategy in order to come up with an accurate prototype. I explored the technique of stacking differently sized cardboard on top of each other to obtain a three-dimensional figure. By using my up to scale drawing as a template, I cut different portions of the hand several times and stacked them in a sculpture that is as accurate as it can be to the final result that I have in my mind. Below I included the template that I used for the making of my prototype.


Sketchbook Pages

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Up To Scale Drawing (Final Piece)

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Realistic Drawing (Final Piece)

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Up To Scale Drawing/ Template (Prototype)

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The Prototype 

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Reflection Questions

What was challenging about making your prototype? 

The most challenging aspect of making my prototype was the shortage of materials. I had a dream of using clay to carve out and mold my dream object. However, because Turkey had a lock-down during the weekend, I could not be able to go shopping and buy any other creative materials I could use. As a result, I had to use old cardboard to build up my prototype. I can say that building something three-dimensional from two-dimensional sheets was by far the most challenging aspect of my assignment.

Are you ready to dive into making the final design/artwork? If so, what do you need to do next to be successful? If you are not ready to begin the final design/artwork, what do you feel you still need to do?

I am kind of challenged by the material I intended to use in my final product. I decided to sculpt my object out of rose quartz, but I am highly aware that it is not possible both because of the budget and practicality. My next step is to find a material that can successfully imitate the texture and the color of rose quartz. I might need the guidance of my professor at this point. Because I have already planned the from I want to obtain planned out, I will be pretty much ready to go once I find the right material.

Artist I Inspired From

Marina Abramović

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I felt a connection with this particular artist because of her spiritual approach to art. Like me, she uses crystals in her artworks by sculpting crystals into fabulous statues. My favorite piece of hers is “Self Portrait with Rock Crystal.” In this particular piece, she used rock crystal, salt, and quarts to depict a self-portrait of hers. Visually it depicts a human head with quartz growing from her forehead. Another piece of her is “Standing Structure for Human Use.” It is composed of granite and clear quartz crystals. The only website I found that officially cites her work is one of her exhibitions in Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

Marilyn Minter

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Marylin Minter is an artist who primarily works on Photorealist paintings to examine contemporary notions of beauty. She appropriates the aesthetics of high-fashion editorials, to depict cropped bodies laden with jewels, dirt, and couture accessories. Her work usually portrays close-up shots of woman’s faces painted by different techniques. My favorite piece of hers is “Crystal Swallow” it made me wonder how I am going to give my object a texture looking like a crystal just like she did in her photorealistic artwork. Her success in portraying crystals realistically inspired me to try my best at incorporating the exotic and shiny texture of the crystals into my object in the future steps of the assignment.

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