Space/Materiality: Abstract Artifact Project

In this assignment, our professor assigned us to build abstract statues focusing on connections and our selected cultural objects. First of all, we studied connections using different materials and techniques. Secondly, we choose our cultural objects by focusing on their spiritual and physical values. After that, we composed our shape libraries inspired by the form of our selected objects. Then, we made our sketch models and according to them, we constructed our prototypes. Finally, for this week we were assigned to build our final sculptures according to our previous activities.

The Final Sculpture

Most Important Viewing Angle:

Viewing from Opposite Sides:

Viewing from Above:

Detail Shots:

Sketch Models

Perspective 1 (Cross-body Bag, Rose Quartz Crystal, Dyson Airwrap):

Perspective 2 (Cross-body Bag, Rose Quartz Crystal, Dyson Airwrap):

The Prototype

Viewing from Opposite Sides:

Viewing from Above:

Detail Shots:

The Formal Features Chart

Shape Library

Object 1: Rose Quartz

Object 2: Cross-body Bag

Object 3: Dyson Airwrap

The Exercise

Score Cuts (with the grain, against the grain, with an angle):

Slot Joint:

Curves (low, normal, high radius):

Laminated Cardboard:

Different-sized Holes:

Connections (wire, yarn, zip tie, cotter pin, toothpick):

The Objects

Dyson Airwrap:

Rose Quartz:

The Reflection

  1. Describe your piece objectively, including the size (3dimensions), materials, and form. Be as accurate and specific as you can without explaining its meaning. Make sure to list your planar material, linear materials, and the specific names of the connections you used.

Linear materials used in this piece are; popsicle sticks, metal wires, and ropes. Planer materials used in this piece are, cardboard and transfer paper. Almost all shades of brown are available in this piece. While the cardboard has a dark brown exterior, the popsicle stick has a brighter complexion. There is a mixture of opaque and transparent objects. While the transfer paper is acting like a second-skin with its transparent built, all the other materials are opaque. The object is made of several types of connections. At the bottom, there is a connection made with drilling holes at the ends of the popsicle sticks and connecting them with rope. I used the same technique to saw in the transfer paper at the back of the triangular form. The model has a main triangle where all other aspects of the sculpture attach to. I built this core of the sculpture by drilling holes at the edges of the popsicle sticks and sew them together using metal wire and I formed a pyramid with the access wire, growing from the same holes. The sculpture also has several arm-like attachments. With the tips of my professor, I managed to attach them to the main structure by poking holes at their bases and stacking them together using toothpicks. Additionally, the sculpture has a symmetrical form. It serves similar views from every angle. 


2.Consider both the class discussions on definitions of culture and how we approached making form through several deconstructive steps in this assignment.  Then answer the question: How is your piece an artifact of your cultural identity? Discuss your inspiration for the piece: what objects did you reference and allude to in your work, and how do they inform your cultural identification with a shared community? Which formal qualities and shapes from your object(s) did you combine to create an abstract sculptural artifact and why? (your images from your shape library and formal attributes chart should illustrate these points).

My piece serves me in both spiritual and physical ways. It is inspired by my two comfort objects. One of them is my Dyson hairbrush. I have always been obsessed with styling my hair but I am so scared of going bald so I am strongly against any hair products. Because of that very reason, I tend to style my hair using this special tool. It blows your hair and shapes it at the same time, so it is less damaging than any other hair tool. Whenever I style my hair like a “beauty queen,” it makes me feel inspired and fully confident. Also, from my frequent visits to the hair salon, I noticed that this is a common thing that people are sharing almost like a culture. Before the pandemic, they used to go there every day just to get a quick blow-dry. So in this project, I wanted to mention this comfort object of mine. The Dyson Airwrap has an iconic curved body with burh teeth all around it. I represented this special of this object by placing arms on to my sculpture with a very intense two sloped curves and teeth represented by popsicle sticks. 


My second object has a much more spiritual duty. Rose Quartz is a special crystal that is actually a member of the Quartz family. This special crystal holds the power of attracting love and stimulating self-love. I have been struggling with self-love for two years now. I must say that, over the years, this object became an essential of mine and helped me regain my confidence and fierceness. Other than me, I am aware of a humongous group of people that worships the healing powers of crystals. As a comfort object of mine, I wanted to combine my Rose Quarz with the Dyson Airwrap in order to create a common concept of comfort objects on both physical and spiritual levels. Rose Quartz’s transparent built inspired me to add a transparent second-skin onto my sculpture using a transfer paper. Also, the Rose Quartz I own has a tower shape with signature triangular surfaces. So, inspired by the shape triangle, I made the legs of the structure from triangles and it also has a pyramid-shaped doom just like an actual tower. 


  1. Explain how you chose the materials to make your sculpture, and what information they give the viewer about your culture and your chosen objects.

In my project, I used cardboard, transfer paper, popsicle sticks, toothpicks, metal wire, and rope. Because we are in a pandemic and all the stores are partially closed in Turkey, I had to work with household items and tried to manipulate their appearance with several techniques. Other than that because there are no tools available, I had to use materials that are easier to manipulate. Colorwise, they are all in shades of brown which made the project look cleaner and in harmony. The transparent build of the transfer paper created the illusion of the Rose Quartz crystal I choose as my target object which is also transparent. In addition, because cardboard is much easier to manipulate by scoring it, I particularly wanted to use this material to create the dense curves of the Dyson Airwrap. Finally, the popsicle sticks helped me to symbolize the teeth of the brush. 

  1. Describe the processes, skills, techniques, tools you used to make your project.

First of all,  I started to craft my sculpture by making its triangular legs. I constructed each with tree popsicle sticks by sawing them to each other using a rope. I used the same skill to attach the transparent paper at the back of the shapes. After that, I constructed the main triangle which keeps tall the aspects of the sculpture together. Again, I made it from popsicle sticks and attached the legs to it by sewing them together using a clear dental rope. On top of it, I made a pyramid by bending a metal wire. To decorate the metal pyramid I covered its metallic appearance by wrapping it with rope. Finally, I made the arms of it using cardboard. I scored them appropriately to create tight curves. To make it, even more, study I placed popsicle sticks in between the score cuts. I attached the arms to the structure by popping some holes at the bottom of them and pinned them together using toothpicks. 


  1. Explain how your sculpture uses planes and lines to do each of the following 3 things: divide space, define space, and engage space. Address how you worked with both substance and negative space in your design. What are the different planes and lines doing to space?  to each other? Include concepts and vocabulary introduced in class (see project sheet and reading).

Dividing Space:  Because there is a visible difference in the line combination and direction used at the bottom and the top of the sculpture manages to divide the space into two.

Defining Space: The sculpture manages to define space with the pyramid that sits at the top of the statue. With its main contours and cross contours, the pyramid succeeds to keep the volume in and define the space within. 

Engaging Space:  The sculpture manages to engage with the space around it with its planes. The curved arms that exceed from the sides of the object manage to distort the place around it with its unusual form.

Substance/ Negative Space: In this piece, lines and planes helped me to shape and define the negative place in and around the sculpture. For example, the lines that contours the pyramid assigns a purpose to the negative space within which combines the piece as a whole. Other than that, the direction of the planes as a substance holds control over dividing the negative space. For example, the arms of the object cut the negative space around it in a horizontal way while its legs bend the space in a perpendicular way. 

  1. How did your understanding of 3D space evolve through the planning and making of this project? Describe the evolution of your project from object(s)>chart>shape library>sketch models>prototype> to finished sculpture. Include concepts and vocabulary introduced in class (see project sheet and reading).

Trought the project it was fascinating to see the process of my sketches turning into something three-dimensional. First of all, I choose three of my targeted objects. Secondly, I closely observed them and noted their features down. After that, I converted my ideas to two-dimensional images. In the next step, I managed to transform these sketches into sketch models. This way had a better and more vivid understanding of the 3D space in and out of the object. This transition also made me realize and guess for my final piece will look when it is finished. During this process, I have learned that 3D objects can benefit from both substance and its negative space. Also, I figured out that, they can divide, define and engage with the space around it. 


  1. Reflect on one area where your craft is particularly strong and one thing that could be improved about your process or project.

One thing I particularly find strong about my object would be the arms. I am really proud of their craftsmanship and the depth they add to the object. It portrays the most important feature of the hairbrush which is its curved body. I managed to create its tight curve by approaching the scores of the cardboard as sockets to place popsicle sticks in. Symbolically, they add an enchanting look to the object. 


One thing I would change about this project would be its materiality. I would like to do this whole project using reflective or metal sheets to make it look even more mechanical. Unfortunately, it is impossible to shop for these exclusive materials due to the strict restrictions in Turkey. 

1 Comment

  1. Thomas · December 18, 2023 Reply

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