Final Product – Duo Cutting Board

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Artist Statement

My intention with this project was to design a double-sided cutting board that can be both used as a cutting board and a serving board. My challenge was to repurpose the reclaimed materials that I have been collecting over the semester into a fully functioning and durable cutting board that is also aesthetically pleasing enough to be used as a decor piece.

Okala Design Strategies

Avoid Materials That Damage Human or Ecological Health: I have decided to use beeswax for finishing my wood piece as it is non-toxic, food-safe, and sustainable.

Minimize the Quantity of Materials: My design is only made from plywood and staples to eliminate any unnecessary material in the product system.

Use Recycled/ Reclaimed Materials: I have only used reclaimed materials that would eventually end up being trashed for building my object.

Minimize Energy Use In Production: I haven’t used any power tools for the production of the object. All of the cutting, sanding, and stapling processes were done by hand.

Design for Reuse and Exchange of Products: The double-sided design of the product will serve the both desires for a working space and a display piece.


1 Comment

  1. Thomas · December 18, 2023 Reply


    Embarking on the journey of writing a dissertation can be both exhilarating and daunting for students pursuing higher education in the UK. It is a significant milestone that requires extensive research, critical analysis, and a mastery of academic writing. As the stakes are high, many students seek professional assistance to ensure the success of their dissertations. In this blog, we will explore the various aspects of Dissertation Help UK and how it can make a substantial difference in the academic journey.

    Understanding the Challenges:

    Writing a dissertation is no small feat. From selecting a suitable topic to conducting exhaustive research and presenting findings coherently, the challenges are multifaceted. Many students find themselves grappling with the complexities of academic writing, time management, and the pressure to meet stringent deadlines. Recognizing these challenges is the first step toward seeking the right kind of assistance.

    Professional Dissertation Help Services:

    Expert Guidance:
    Dissertation help services in the UK often provide access to experienced and qualified academic experts. These professionals possess in-depth knowledge of various subjects and can guide students through the entire dissertation writing process.

    Research Assistance:
    Conducting thorough and relevant research is a cornerstone of a successful dissertation. Dissertation help services offer support in sourcing credible literature, refining research questions, and structuring the research methodology.

    Writing and Editing Services:
    Crafting a well-structured and eloquent dissertation requires strong writing skills. Dissertation help services assist students in composing and refining their work. Additionally, they offer editing services to ensure that the final document meets the highest academic standards.

    Plagiarism Checking:
    Maintaining academic integrity is crucial. Dissertation help services often include plagiarism checking to ensure that the work is original and free from any unauthorized use of external sources.

    Meeting Deadlines:
    Time management is a common challenge for students. Dissertation help services can provide support in creating realistic timelines, meeting deadlines, and managing the various stages of the dissertation-writing process.

    Choosing the Right Dissertation Help Service:

    Reputation and Reviews:
    Research and select a dissertation help service with a solid reputation. Reading reviews from other students can provide valuable insights into the quality of service offered.

    Expertise and Specialization:
    Look for services that specialize in your field of study. This ensures that the experts assisting you have a deep understanding of the subject matter.

    A one-size-fits-all approach may not be suitable for every student. Choose a service that offers customized assistance based on your specific needs and requirements.

    Communication and Support:
    Effective communication is key. Ensure that the chosen service provides a platform for clear communication between you and the academic expert assisting you.


    Seeking dissertation help in the UK is a practical and strategic choice for students navigating the challenges of higher education. The right support can make the difference between a stressful, overwhelming experience and a successful academic journey. By carefully selecting a reputable and specialized dissertation help service, students can enhance their writing skills, manage their time effectively, and produce a dissertation that reflects their academic prowess. Remember, it’s not just about completing the dissertation; it’s about mastering the art of scholarly inquiry and contributing meaningfully to the academic community.

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