Year 1

Bra Bag

Bra Bag

This project was about creating something that had a transformation. I decided to create a bra like top that turned…
Explicit Magazine

Explicit Magazine

In Fashion Studio 2 we spent the whole semester creating a magazine based off of topics in the 90s. We…
Alter Ego Final

Alter Ego Final

The last project that had to be create for my class drawing and imaging was an Alter Ego Project. The…
Post Card

Post Card

In studio class we had to create a post card that about a memory or an idea that we wanted…
Ross Bleckner

Ross Bleckner

In studio class we had to research an artist that worked with memory. I chose Ross Bleckner. Once we did…
Panel Drawing

Panel Drawing

In studio class we were instructed to create a panel drawing that show the displacement of time. I chose to…
9 11 Project

9 11 Project

In my studio class we were placed into groups and created a work of art based on 9 11. The…
Mythical Creature

Mythical Creature

In drawing and imaging we took a field trip to The Museum of Natural History and sketch animals during one…


During this project we created a Cyborg using one of our box figure drawings from class and images that we…
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