Bridge 3: ‘Selfie-As-Construct’ – Collage 3: Products

Format/ Size: Watercolor paper/ 6.5 x 4.25

Material: Colorful craft paper

Rule: Create a composition inspired by the lyrics of the songs

How have products you used formed your identity?

There are many products I use on a day to day basis but none of them have been as consistent and as influential as music. Music has always been a big part of my life, so much so that I can identify each and every phase of my life just through the music I listened to during that period. It truly had a huge impact on my daily life. It affected the way I dressed, the way I acted, the way I felt, the way I thought. I went through drastic changes just because I got interested in another genres of music. I would also always restrict myself to one specific genre so that added to the intensity of these shifts. However, as I grew up, I became more and more open to the idea of listening to other genres and to music from other cultures which allowed me to explore and discover so many amazing musicians and let me appreciate them all at the same time. This amalgamation made me the person I am and it shows from the music I listen to nowadays. For this project, I chose 6 songs I’ve been listening to as of late and utilized their lyrics as a way to create compositions to go along with the songs.


Telemoveis by Conan Osiris


Eu parti o telemóvel (I broke my phone)
A tentar ligar para o céu (While trying to call Heaven)
Pa’ saber se eu mato a saudade (To know if I kill my Longing)
Ou quem morre sou eu (Or if who dies is me)
E quem mata quem (And who kills who?)
Quem mata quem mata (Who kills who kills?)
Quem mata quem (Who kills who?)
Nem eu sei (Not even I know)
Quando eu souber, eu não ligo a mais ninguém (And when I know I’m not calling anyone else)
E se a vida ligar (And if Life calls)
Se a vida mandar mensagem (If Life sends a message)
Se ela não parar (If Life doesn’t stop)
E tu não tiveres coragem de atender (And you don’t have the courage to answer)
Tu já sabes o que é que vai acontecer (You already know what will happen)
Eu vou descer a minha escada (I will go down my stairs)
Vou estragar o telemóvel (I will ruin the phone)
O telele (The little phone)
Eu vou partir o telemóvel (And I will break the phone)
O teu e o meu (Yours and mine)
E eu vou estragar o telemóvel (And I will ruin the phone)
Eu quero viver e escangalhar o telemóvel (I want to live and shatter the phone)
E se eu partir o telemóvel (And if I break the phone?)
Eu só parto aquilo que é meu (I’m only breaking what’s mine)
Tou para ver se a saudade morre (‘m here to see if the Longing dies)
Vai na volta, quem morre sou eu (Maybe turns out the one who dies is me)
E quem mata quem mata  (And who kills who kills?)
Eu nem sei  (Not even I know.)
A chibaria nunca viu nascer ninguem  (Snitches never saw any one being born)
Eu partia telemoveis  (And I, I broke phones)
Mas eu nunca mais parto o meu  (But I will never again break mine)
Eu sei que a saudade ta morta  (I know Longing is dead)
Quem mandou a flecha fui eu  (The one who threw the arrow was me.)
Quem mandou a flecha fui eu  (The one who threw the arrow was me.)
Fui eu  (Was me.)

Laka by Fishbach, Bachar Mar-Khalife


أنا النار التي تلسع بشرتك  (I’m the fire that stings your skin)
أنا الماء الذي يروي عطشك (I’m the water that tells your thirst)
Je suis la flamme de ta peau brûlée (I am the flame of your burnt skin)
Je suis l’eau dans ta gorge serrée (I’m the water in your tight throat)

La tour du château au plus proche de la lune (The Tower of the castle closest to the moon)
Je suis l’épée qui garde la fortune (I am the sword that keeps the fortune)

Et moi je n’inspire que ton air (And I only inspire your air)
Je crois que j’inspire un désert (I think I inspire a desert)
Tu pourrais me boire en entier (You could drink me whole)
Mais j’ai peur de te noyer d’amour (But I’m afraid to drown you with love)
أنا القصر أنا البرج (I am a palace I am a tower)
السيف الذي يحمي الثروة (A sword that protects wealth)

أنت الهواء الذي أتنفس  (You are the air I breathe)
وضوء القمر على مياه البحر  (Moonlight on the sea water)
الحنجرة التي أريد أن أبللها  (The throat I want to wet)
والتي أخاف اختناقها. (Which I’m afraid to choke)
من كثرة الحب   (From many love)
Toi quels désirs vas-tu me donner?  (You what desires are you going to give me?)
Tu t’en fous, te me dis que tu t’en fous (You don’t care, tell me you don’t care)

Le trésor, il sera a toi (The Treasure, it will be yours)
هو لك. (Is yours)


Soldi by Mahmood


In periferia fa molto caldo (It’s really hot down in the suburbs)
Mamma stai tranquilla, sto arrivando (Mama don’t worry, I’m on my way home)
Te la prenderai per un bugiardo (You will be upset by a liar)
Ti sembrava amore ma era altro (It looked like love to you, it was something else)
Beve champagne sotto Ramadan (He’s drinking champagne during Ramadan)
Alla TV danno Jackie Chan (On tv they are airing Jackie Chan)
Fuma narghilè, mi chiede come va (He’s smoking Shisha, asks me how I’m doing)

Mi chiede come va, come va, come va (He asks me how I’m doing doing doing)
Sai già come va, come va, come va (You already know how things are going going going)
Penso più veloce per capire se domani tu mi fregherai (I think faster to try to figure out if you’re going to fool me tomorrow)
Non ho tempo per chiarire perché solo ora so cosa sei (I have no time to clear things up ’cause I finally found out what you are)
È difficile stare al mondo (It hurts to be alive)
Quando perdi l’orgoglio (When you lose your pride)
Lasci casa in un giorno (You leave home out of the blue)
Tu dimmi se (You, tell me if)

Pensavi solo ai soldi, soldi (You only cared for the money money)
Come se avessi avuto soldi, soldi (As if you had any money)
Dimmi se ti manco o te ne fotti, fotti (Tell me whether you miss me or you don’t give a fuck)

Mi chiedevi come va, come va, come va (You used to ask me how I was doing doing doing)
Adesso come va, come va, come va (Now how are things going going going)
Ciò che devi dire non l’hai detto (What you’re supposed to say you haven’t said yet)
Tradire è una pallottola nel petto (Betrayal is a bullet in your chest)

Prendi tutta la tua carità (Keep all the compassion to yourself)
Menti a casa ma lo sai che lo sa (You keep lyin’ at home but you know she knows)
Su una sedia lei mi chiederà (Sittin’ there she’ll be asking me)

Mi chiede come va, come va, come va (Asking me how I’m doing doing doing)
Sai già come va, come va, come va (She already knows how things are going going going)
Penso più veloce per capire se domani tu mi fregherai (I think faster to try to figure out if you’re going to fool me tomorrow)
Non ho tempo per chiarire perché solo ora so cosa sei (I have no time to clear things up ’cause I finally found out what you are)
È difficile stare al mondo (It hurts to be alive)
Quando perdi l’orgoglio (When you lose your pride)
Ho capito in un secondo (I figured it out in one second)
Che tu da me (What do you want from me)

Volevi solo soldi, soldi (You only wanted the money)
Come se avessi avuto soldi, soldi (As if I had any money)
Prima mi parlavi fino a tardi, tardi (Back then you would talk to me till late)
Mi chiedevi come va, come va, come va (You used to ask me how I’m doing doing doing)
Adesso come va, come va, come va (Now how are things going going going)

Waladi waladi habibi ta’aleena (My son, my son, darling, come over here)
Mi dicevi giocando, giocando con aria fiera (You used to tell me while playing your games with pride)
Waladi waladi habibi, sembrava vera (My son, my son, darling, It felt so real to me)
La voglia, la voglia di tornare come prima (Wanting to bring things back to what they were)

Io da te non ho voluto soldi (I didn’t ask you for your money)
È difficile stare al mondo (It hurts to be alive)
Quando perdi l’orgoglio (When you lose your pride)
Lasci casa in un giorno (You leave home out of the blue)
Tu dimmi se (You, tell me if)

Volevi solo soldi, soldi (Only cared for the money money)
Come se avessi avuto soldi, soldi (As if I had any money)
Lasci la città ma nessuno lo sa (You leave the city without anybody knowing)
Ieri eri qua, ora dove sei papà? (Yesterday you were here, where are you now, papa?)
Mi chiedi come va, come va, come va (You ask me how I’m doing doing doing)
Sai già come va, come va, come va (You already know how things are going going going)


Exit Music (For a Film) by Radiohead


Wake.. from your sleep
The drying of your tears
Today we escape, we escape

Pack.. and get dressed
Before your father hears us
Before all hell breaks loose

Breathe, keep breathing
Don’t lose your nerve
Breathe, keep breathing
I can’t do this alone

Sing.. us a song
A song to keep us warm
There’s such a chill, such a chill

You can laugh
A spineless laugh
We hope your rules and wisdom choke you
Now we are one in everlasting peace

We hope that you choke, that you choke
We hope that you choke, that you choke
We hope that you choke, that you choke


Habibi by Tamino


Something hides in every night
Brings desire from the deep
And with it comes a burning light
To keep us from our sleep
And as the full star tries his best to make the white pearl shine
Glances of a new day have arrived
And though he’s not alone, he fears to never love another
And leave his heart forever with her smile
Habibi, light is burning
As I am burning
Habibi, light is burning
As I am yearning
Something died within a soul
Left the eyes to rust
And every time it is recalled
It covers all in dust
Habibi, light is burning
As I am burning
Habibi, light is burning
As I am yearning
And meanwhile, a whole lot goes down
Somewhere in the darkness, us together for a while
You loved it then, so did I
A feeling deep inside you wants to love it all again
Now don’t leave it there, just give it a chance
If only I’d forget you after one last dance
But you’re everywhere, yes you are
In every melody and in every little scar
Yes you are, you are
Habibi, light is burning
As I am burning
Habibi, light is burning
And I am yearning

Dön Bak Dünyaya by Pinhani

Yalnız kaldıysan ( If you’re left alone)
Kalkıp pencerenden bir bak (Get up and take a look outside the window)
Güneş açmış mı? (Did the sun rise?)
Yağmur düşmüş mü? (Did it rain?)
Dön bak dünyaya (Turn around and look at the world)
Herkes gitmişse (If everyone left)
Sakince arkana dön bir bak (Calmly turn around and take a look)
Dostun kalmış mı? (Do you have any friends left?)
Aşkın solmuş mu? (Did your love wither?)
Dön bak dünyaya (Turn around and look at the world)
Dön bak dünyaya (Turn around and look at the world)
Yalnız kaldıysan (If you’re left alone)
Kalkıp pencerenden bir bak (Get up and take a look outside the window)
Güneş açmış mı? (Did the sun rise?)
Yağmur düşmüş mü? (Did it rain?)
Dön bak dünyaya (Turn around and look at the world)
Bir sonbahar kadar yalnız (Alone like autumn)
Bir kış kadar savunmasız (Defenseless like winter)
Ya da ilkbaharsan (Or if you’re spring)
Yolun başındaysan (You’re at the start of the road)
Bir sonbahar kadar yalnız (Alone like autumn)
Bir kış kadar savunmasız (Defenseless like winter)
Ya da ilkbaharsan (Or if you’re spring)
Yolun başındaysan (You’re at the start of the road)
Asla vazgeçme! (Never give up!)
Kalkıp da pencerenden bir bak (Get up and take a look outside the window)
Güneş açmış mı? (Did the sun rise?)
Yağmur düşmüş mü?  (Did it rain?)
Dön bak dünyaya (Turn around and look at the world)

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