These sketches are my initial ideas for my illustrations to represent Taiwan.
(From Left to Right)
“Strolling” — For the first sketch I drew an elderly woman strolling in monsoon weather because since Taiwan is an island, that’s typical for the residents there. I compared that with a woman strolling in Washington Square Park on a lovely sunny day in New York City.
“Graffiti” — The next one is a utility box that’s been painted as a landscape. A majority of Taipei’s utility boxes are painted with a scenic view of mountains or a lake so I contrasted that with the graffiti found on utility boxes in New York.
I never incorporated the flag into my illustrations…
“Private Show” — I was trying to incorporate the difference in the music scene for Taiwan & New York. New York is bustling with street performers playing bass and other jazz musical instruments, while in contrast to the bass Taiwan has a traditional instrument called the Liuqin that somewhat resembles the bass in my opinion. I mainly tried to incorporate the traditional music culture of both cities.