Self Portrait

Self Portrait

This self portrait is drawn based on a selfie with elements symbolizing my history, goals, social life, and spirit.

Both the pair of earrings and the rabbit’s ears represent my history. I bought this pair of earrings with another pair with the similar design on my mother’s birthday, and I gave the other pair to her as a present. I used to have a rabbit in my home. Although she is dead now, she is still important to me, therefore I put the rabbit’s ears on my head as a symbol of her. These elements keep reminding me of my life back in my hometown.

The phone and Nintendo Switch (a game console) stand for my career goals. I want to be either a game designer or an interactive designer, and this is also the reason for me to choose Design and Technology as my major in Parsons.

My social life is revealed through the guitar at the background and the necklace that I am wearing. I used to be in a band in my high school, and that was where I got my best friends and my boy friend, who gave me the necklace as a gift. Both items represent essential parts of my social life in my past and also present.

I view a black cat as my spirit animal. I love its fur and eyes; its agility and quietness; its wit and mischievousness. It represents both what I want to be and what I am now.

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