Bridge 1 – Reflection PPJ – 02/08/18

  1. How did you choose the images that you visualized?
    • I picked the most important words of my original question to visualize.
  2. How did you choose the medium you selected for each piece?
    • I did them in photoshop because it’s easier to create collages in it.
  3. How did you choose how to present the work?
    • I chose to present the work on my laptop so that the collages won’t have strange colors (sometimes it happens after being printed).
  4. How did you choose to connect/ or not connect the pieces to each other?
    • I chose to connect them together by using similar color themes and similar structure. I want them to feel like a series of questions instead of just random questions being visualized.
  5. How did you feel (felt sense & emotional narrative) about presenting your writing – note keeping?
    • I felt comfortable presenting it.
  6. How did you feel (felt sense & emotional narrative) about showing your work?
    • I felt comfortable showing my work and I quite enjoyed receiving suggestions and opinions from my classmates.
  7. How did it feel to have the DAI happen with you present?
    • I think it’s a nice way for me to keep every thing together before forgetting some important parts of each other’s pieces.
  8. How did you choose your questions for the audience/ viewers?
    • I chose the ones that can stand out the most.
  9. What changes would you make to the work if you have to do another iteration?
    • Maybe do some variations in the background by adding some details to them.
  10. If there was something that you could have shared with your viewers to bring additional context or understanding, what would it be?
    • Photos I took from the Union Square Park.

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