Polemic Collage

Working alongside with a classmate for a project was fun yet challenging. Alina and I were only able to meet up during our Friday morning class and Thursday afternoon for a few hours, so we relied on online communication to develop our project. After choosing the topic regarding immigrants, we brainstormed ideas and concepts that came up in our minds as well as correlate it with our personal experience as international students. Alina suggested that we use the statue of liberty as it is one of the best ways to symbolize the “land of the dream” and we used our professor’s idea of turning it sideways to complement the New York Times illustration of the pointing finger. To further emphasize the message concerning the struggles immigrants go through as they enter the US, we added a person hanging onto the pointing finger and also with the subtle white line in the background that goes downhill to signify a cliff. I am satisfied with the outcome of the collage especially with the successful imagery of the message regarding the promised fantasy of prosperity in America as opposed to the ugly reality of the struggling immigrants.

1 Comment

  1. Rachel P Youens · March 29, 2020 Reply

    Polemic collage

    Luna and Alina,
    You have combined accessible symbols that also reflect on your own experiences. Your combination of modalities: photographs, documents, and cartoons is effective. I also like the assemblage of letters which indicate the commercialism of America while conveying an ironic, sarcastic tone. Turning Liberty on her side is like pulling down the political symbol when its ideology has been defeated. But I have to believe that we will turn this around and will welcome and protect people who sincerely come here.

    Well done!

    A: concept
    A: execution

    Thank you,

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