As soon as the project was launched, I had multiple ideas in mind and jotted everything down in my sketchbook. Then I started narrowing down my options and took the most interest in the second idea. I initially thought that I couldn’t execute this idea because I had never worked with acrylic before nor have I done the laser lab orientation. So I consulted my friends as well as the staff from the laser lab as to what steps I need to take. One of the struggles that I encountered was figuring out how to make the curves for the sides of the figure itself. I wanted the sides to be one continuous plane that bends around the map of Jakarta, however, I realized that it would be very difficult to do so especially if I wanted to keep the very intricate details of the map. So instead I resorted to making around 7 layers of the outlines of the map and stacked them so as to create the 3d dimension of the map with a hollow space. I am satisfied with the final outcome of the map, especially with the conceptual aspect that the artwork conveys which is concerning the recurring flooding issues in Jakarta as well as the city itself being marked as one of the fastest sinking cities in the world. It reminded me of a song I usually sing to when I was a child titled “Kompor Meleduk” by Benyamin Sueb with one of the lines that go, “…Jakarta kebanjiran…”, which literally translates to Jakarta is flooded. 10 years later, I still sing that song knowing that the city I call home will someday vanish into thin air due to the flooding fiasco.
Map project
You pulled this off successfully! It is elegant and concise, inter-active and audial.
Making the city of Jakarta a vessel is an effective metaphor, while speeding up the slower time of seasonal and annual progressions is poignant but very direct. While I can make out the incised lines of the neighborhoods, I wonder if they can be emphasized in some subtle way. It also reaches all of us and communicates with those of us in the western hemisphere.
People often do their best work when they have a compelling idea, such as this is for you. I look forward to your sharing the project with the class.
A: concept
A: execution
Thank you,