Bridge #1: Weekly Sketchbook

Week 1 (1/24)
In class & during the week: from Riley, draw a square until unanticipated changes happen and original form takes on a new identity. for homework: find something in your environment that relates to your class exploration of the square. Draw it from two different angles, thicken your lines, or if an object, draw it from another angle with thick lines. Spend one hour drawing.

Week 2 (1/31)
Spend an hour to make drawings based on one or more photographs in the ICP folder you have gathered. First, find a detail in the image that you personally respond to, and make a value-line study of it. Turn the page or cover that drawing, and make a second drawing from memory without looking at the photograph or at your first drawing. Feel free to vary your drawing technique as you re-capture your memory.

Week 3 (2/7)
In class & during the week: from Riley, draw a square until unanticipated changes happen and original form takes on a new identity. for homework: find something in your environment that relates to your class exploration of the square. Draw it from two different angles, thicken your lines, or if an object, draw it from another angle with thick lines. Spend one hour drawing.

Week 5 (2/14)
Base a study on the Kurt Schwitters collage MZ163 with Woman (Polemic Announcements, Canvas). Working loosely with directional strokes (with a preferably soft pencil) build layers of values (erase when it contributes) to replicate the structure of this composition from the background to the foreground squares.

Week 4 (2/21)
Watch Jill Lepore These Truths for the first 1/2 hour.

Find three maps. Make a sketch of each map to explore its visual elements, signs, boundaries, shapes, imagery.
one that changes your mind
one that clarifies something you intuited
one that shows you something you did not know.

Week 5 (2/27)
Go to the Whitney Museum exhibit: Making Knowing, Craft in Art between 1950-2019.  After walking through it, find three objects that belong to a general theme (ie: home, domesticity, the body, Hispanic ethnicity, etc). Through your sketches and notations, analyze the materials, processes and visual organization of each object to find out the different content/communication expressed by each artist within that theme.

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