Whether I was caressing the smooth fur of my yorkshire terrier, reaching for jewelry that shined on my mother’s ears, or touching the walls with sticky ice cream fingers, the sense of touch filled every corner of my childhood. One particular hobby of mine was playing on the monkey bars. No matter how tired, sore, or callused my hands got, I would find myself climbing on those bars. I had no limit to how much I climbed until one day, I fell off the monkey bars straight onto my back and watched in pain as the other kids climbed over me. I vividly remember the stinging sensation that went through my hands because it hurt more than my back did from the fall. In this piece, the color red symbolizes my pain and discomfort, and the darker shade indicates where my calluses would have been. Finally, I used a thorny red bush to embody the pinched feeling in my hands. My idea was that if someone were to touch the work, they could feel the same sensation.