
I think the reading of Cradle to Cradle gave me a lot to unpack. Still, the biggest takeaway from it was the concept that “nature operates according to a system fo nutrients and metabolisms in which there is no such thing as waste” (McDonough, Braungart 92). I had never thought of the life cycle before, but it provided further insight into why it is crucial to create products that give nutrients back to the earth. My piece is inspired by the very cycles that the authors discussed in the reading. I wanted to emphasize the repetition and infinities of the patterns of life. This work is a reminder to myself and others in acknowledging the need to become part of this cycle once again, for we have strayed from it for too long. We have gotten too comfortable with the use of onetime products and have become greedy. I challenge this lifestyle we have created, and push us to do more, say more, and be better.

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