Directions: Using any video camera available to you (phone, computer webcam, screen recording) create a one-minute video portrait of your “perimeters”. This film must consist of a series of unedited, single-take shots (no cuts, no edits on your timeline – i.e. your shots on your Premiere timeline must be intact, exactly as you shot them, from the time you hit record until you hit stop).
Reflection: The first few words that came to mind exploring perimeters were borders, boundaries, angles, and containment. I wanted my piece to highlight the architecture that surrounded me at my hotel in Arizona. I wanted to show the dual emotions that being contained can make people feel. The video shows the physical perimeters around me and, paired with the sound of birds, created a soothing atmosphere. However, the sound of birds becomes overwhelming towards the end of the video, representing the anxieties that containment can also evoke.