Learning Portfolio Post #3

While doing my log I notice that during the week depending on how much sleep and where I’ve slept have an impact on what I wear. For example, on Sundays, I usually go to my boyfriend house and sleep over and from there I go to work. However, since he has class at 8 am we always get up at 6 am and leave exactly at 7 am so he can get to class on time. I’m not a big fan of Mondays so I tend to grab a hat or something to cover my hair. I don’t really care what I’m wearing once I feel comfortable then I’m good for the day. I work in the UC as a student technician in 518 (Specialty Lab) from 11:30 am to 7 pm. I do organizations where I teach students how to use various machines like the Embroidery Machine, Perl, overlock, cover stitch, and Post machine. I’m also trained to fix broken machines. There is no formal dress code at my job so I usually dress casually or what I like to call my bummy look. However, on the weekends, I tend to wear more tight fitting clothing and do my makeup and hair because I’m not going to school and I have more time. The Dress Practice Log made me realize the relationship between my clothing and my body. Every piece of clothing showcases what I did the night before, how much sleep I got, and the mood I’m in. I learned that if I don’t get sleep I tend to wear comfy clothing like hats, sweats, and sweatpants.