Concept Paper and Explanation:
The alternate narrative that I will be constructing is based and inspired by the current crisis in my home country Venezuela. Currently, Venezuela has the worst inflation in the world; it has the second highest murder rates in the world; there is a great scarcity of food, water, and electricity; there is extreme insecurity and crime everywhere; the government is completely corrupt; the government is slowly killing the private business sector with impossible restrictions and regulations; our gold mine of petroleum is being mishandled; there are major human rights violations by police officers, military officers, and by public officials; etc. My country is experiencing the worst crisis in its history. The narrative will briefly retell the story about the elections that brought Maduro to power and the citizen’s discontent with his leadership and the situation in the country that began in 2014. I will portray how the country and its people progressed to this devastating moment in time. I will create a plot twist where the riots and protests that ran through the country actually took the corrupt government down and they had a revolution that actually worked to make the country better. I want to not only question the “what if?” of the events that led Venezuela to its current state, but also question and show the tremendous potential of what the country could be if Venezuelans had actually taken down the corrupt government and if the crisis was seized. I plan to include various groups of Venezuelans and people from outer nations speaking and participating in the historic events. I will also include individual testimonies of people experiencing the events and the riots, protests, opposition movements, and the discontent of the people all the way to the present. The sounds I will include are also going to be of marches, riots, noises during supermarket lines, speeches from the opposition leaders and the president, and citizens expressing their concern for the nation. For the alternate narrative of the imagined Venezuela free of corruption, crisis, insecurities, and discontent; I plan to use videos and sounds of old videos of Venezuela when it was in its “Golden Years”. I plan to inform people who have no idea about the horrible crisis in Venezuela in hopes to help bring attention to this enormous problem because many people don’t know about Venezuela and the cruelty that its citizens are facing.