Movie Post



The movie is from George Orwell’s science fiction, which discusses the effects of having a totalitarian authority, which does not allow any freedom amongst the society. Through the main character, Winston Smith, the book shows that it is almost impossible to fight against such an authority because of the power it possesses. The main character tries to fight against Big Brother instead of winning; he ends up subdued and ready to accept the totalitarian authority. The author’s main objective is to show and warn people that such authorities put the society under the control by suppressing movement, lacking information, physical torture and psychological manipulation. Orwell mainly uses doublethink and contrasting statements, like 2+2=5, to bring out the ability of the authority to change the facts and ensure that everyone believes in only one “fact”. It is also important to note that after the Party changes the official language to Newspeak, which ensures that everyone speaks and thinks in the same way. Writing the book in 1949 and naming it 1984, Orwell was futuristic and attempted to warn society that the repercussions of allowing totalitarianism. In this edition, the author did a good job in analyzing Orwell’s work and also adding some evaluation on the issue.

This movie is a sci-fi but also a prediction for future politics, and it inspire me to relate my story more with politics and humanity.

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