W9 Reading Response

The article “Spam” mentioned me an news I read this year earlier about a women called Anneke Lucas, who was put to work as a sex slave since 6 years old. She was used in this network for 5 year and a half. Before she escaped from this network, she suffered 1716 hours of rape. The clients for that club was from all over the world. They are rich, and communicate on the internet. Some Vip clients enjoy kill children, Anneke was one of them.

“…And all the temptations of money and porn that fill the inboxes of the world, the promises of better financial or sexual performance, penises, partners, or porn, are reminders that digital networks do not stand alone, but are always intimately implicated with their users and all the plays of power and desire in which they are involved.” From the article “Spam”, it addressed my question again: the technology and network is so well-developed today, how could million of people still suffered under the situation like Anneke, is it because the deal related with sexuality and wealth. Where is the boundaries of our humanity? Does the technology and network help people of their dark side instead of doing something good? I have a very negative aspect about the future technology and network. I think most resource are controlled by the people who have fame and wealth. And people who suffered will continue being suffered. Technology won’t save them.

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