Week 11 Reading Response

Surveillance is something that always makes me uncomfortable. Companies like Google are monitoring people’s online behaviors to expand their data system and train their machines to be smarter where many users are not conscious about it and if they are, there are no ways they can defend themselves because Google has become so powerful that people cannot live without it for a single day.

The idea of surveillance has pros and cons. It would be able to help to solve crime but it is invading people’s life and using the data without their permission. It is hard to judge. This also reminds me of Xu Bing’s movie Dragonfly Eyes that was composed solely from surveillance footage from online resources. His team deducted a story behind a girl and thus revealed her life. 

I absolutely agree with the author of Eyes Over Compton: How Police Spied on a Whole City that monitoring of human is biased. Human are categorized based on their ethnics, nationality and other factors and are being restricted to move. Technology that facilitate this process has become a political tool. Theoretically this is very unjust but there is no way to control the policy and sequence of the world. Hope one day there could  be some solution and improvement that can make this world more equal and with more humanity.

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