Critical Studio Bridge 4 Part 2


I plan on creating a mobile out of a broken umbrella. Since the fabric of the umbrella is already torn, I will begin the deconstruction by cutting ff the rest of the fabric. All that will be left is the metal part of the umbrella. I will then break off (or twist off) the bottom holder of the umbrella. Once the umbrella is deconstructed I will attach a hook, made out of wire, where the holder was so I can have the umbrella hang upside down from the ceiling. Next I will add more wire hooks on the umbrella so I can hang art off of it. I will then take yarn and rap it around the metal frame. I the yarn to have an ombré effect, going from white, to light blue, to dark blue. I will then attach shapes, photos, or other objects off of the hooks to create a mobile.


  • Umbrella
  • Scissors
  • Yarn
  • Wire
  • Shapes (made out of wood, or paper)

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